Of course, we happened to pick the nastiest day of 2007! The morning started with snowy roads, making the route of the first few trucks treacherous. Then it changed to freezing rain and then a soaking, cold rain. All of our furniture and boxes got wet and had to be dried off as they came in the house. And the friends and family who helped us load and unload the trucks were soaked and frozen to the bone. Then when it was finally time to come in and eat a warm lunch, our power went out! Luckily we have a gas fireplace which helped them thaw out a little bit. Thanks again to all our movers -- we owe you! Wouldn't you know that that next Saturday was 55 degrees and sunny?
Words can't express how happy we are to be here. It really feels like home. Once we got through the holidays, we found that our weekends are free again and we can catch up on those crossword puzzles that had been piling up since October. We still have some small things to get done, so we try to do a little here and there, but there's no more stress.
We have already hosted a couple gatherings and have had a few people come over for tours. We are hoping to host an open house in the spring so that more of our friends and family can stop by and visit. By then hopefully we'll have some grass grown and some landscape plants in. Right now I'm enjoying looking out our windows at the trees covered with snow!
The photo above shows our kitchen. I have been promising that photo for some time now! If you'd like to see what the rest of the house looks like now that it's finished, click here and then click on "View Slideshow."